Where the Rain Goes

Rain garden in St. Stephen’s Lake Park in Columbia, MO (Photo courtesy of Steve Johnson, Executive Director of the Missouri River Communities Network) Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone?  They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot! Joni Mitchell warned us years ago about…

Greening Your Office

There is growing receptivity in the workplace to the benefits of “going green.”  Businesses find that this can improve their bottom line.  Managers have discovered that it leads to higher employee morale.  More and more organizations are creating “green teams” to implement cost-cutting, planet-saving solutions in big and small ways. One of the first steps…

Happy New Year!

I suspect the vast majority of folks are eager to close the book on 2009 as the year of the Great Recession.  While it may have been difficult or uncomfortable, we focus on the blessings that the year brought, whether they be simple joys or valuable lessons learned.  As we celebrate the new year, think…

The Sun of a German

With a name like O’Rourke, it was relatively easy to conceal the truth that my mother was a full-blooded German American.  Growing up in the 60’s, I sensed a very subtle stigma about being German, and the association with the crimes of Hitler and Nazi Germany.  I don’t recall any holidays like St. Patrick’s Day…

Keys to Energy Independence – Part 3: Renewable Energy

In order to achieve energy independence in our homes, we need to create a net-zero energy home. In short, this is where we produce as much energy as we consume using any number of renewable forms of energy. The first two parts of this three-part series focused on using energy conservatively and efficiently. Once you…